ISB: Lead with Emotional Intelligence
Thu, 15 Dec
a 2-day immersive & enlightening turnshop with Umair Jaliawala to familiarise with emotions, unpack their science and apply them intelligently in leading self and others!

Time & Location
15-Dec-2022, 9:00 am GMT+5 – 16-Dec-2022, 9:00 am GMT+5
Islamabad, Agha Khan Rd, F-5/1 F-5, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory 44000, Pakistan
About the Event
- Familiarise with emotions, unpack their science, limits & significance
- Gain intrapersonal insights through emotional patterns, learn to stay calm and self-motivated
- Learn to understand others better and influence through rapport building and emphatic communication
- Inspire others to stay motivated and lead in challenging times
Quotients & Impact: Intelligence vs Emotional
Perspectives on 'Emotional Intelligence'
Brain Biology: Our Emotional Centers
Emotional Hijacking: FFF!
Neurons: Firing, Wiring & Rewiring
Inventory: What's my EQ?
You in the World or the World in You!
Labelling: What's the feeling? How does it feel?
Emotions vs Feelings: Theatre, Time and Tacks
Human Iceberg: Visible and Invisible
Anger Volcano: Eruption, Feelings & Needs
Affirming your Self Confidence
Managing Self or Being Managed?
Hero's Journey - A Guide to Extraordinary!
Reflecting on Personal Values
Ways to Build Trustworthiness
Fear vs Faith - How to deal with fear chatter?
Creative Zone: Resistance vs Flow
Soul, Mind & Body regimes for Self Management
3Fs: Facing, Framing & Flexing
Motivation: Pain vs Pleasure, Internal vs External
Reflection: What pains me? What pleases me?
How to rewire pain and pleasure wiring?
EI on the Road - Creating Connection!
EI Movie Scenes Collage & Pop Corns <3
Universal Human Needs - What drives us all?
Jouhari's Window: Discovering each other
Diversity Sensitisation: Power Walk
Empathy & Rapport: Feeling with...
Exercise: Body Scan & Tone Variations
How to read others' state and adapt?
Mindfulness of body language and tonality
Video: Unconscious Biases
Reflection: Most admired humans?
Rediscovering Will to Serve
Essential Principles to Build Bonds
Collaborative Communication: Win/Win/Win
Gaining Influence, Being a Leader!
How to foster Psychological Safety in your team
Chinese Character for Conflict - Problem & Opportunity
The Band of Conflict - Finding Equilibrium
Discussion: Diffuse, Ignite and Manage?
Non-Violent Communication: Engaging, not enraging
In Everyday Practice
Appreciating Actively
Managing Moods
Changing Consistently
Failing Forward
Lovingly Leading
Increased self and social awareness
Enhanced emotional bandwidth
Learn self management techniques
Foster confidence inside out
Adapt to different teams and situations
Win trust and build influence
Inspire yourself and others to stay motivated
Communicate calmly in charged setting
Manage conflict and find collaborative resolves
Live a wholistic work and personal life!